Sophisticated Player Profile

Basic information, promotional video, player's playing style, strong point can also be entered.


It is possible for team to search someone who match the conditions and then offer them. Or you can also offer from selection live and streaming delivery.

Live Selection

To enable the domestic market to activate and hold selections in various places, to expand opportunities abroad, live distribution and streaming delivery is part of the product.

Selection Management

The team can search for players from the condition search, compare various players, and filters.


The organizer can hold a selection event including from amateur to professional categories. It is also possible to manage futsal and soccer events.

Direct Chatting

The team can add a message and send it when making an offer. Players can chat directly between players for communication and information sharing purposes.



Increase your visibility with our sophisticated player profile feature to get hired by top global teams.

Many players want to become professional players but are in complete mercy of agents for their selection. We understand this issue and want to give an open platform to players for being picked directly by the teams. We want to happily eliminate agents role and provide more transparent selection process.




Eliminate communication issues with agent and connect with players directly! Hire players with our direct offer functionality

We understand the frustation a team goes through the player selection process, the back and forth communication with agent and players might seem very time consuming. We have created a platform for the teams to onboard themselves under 5 minutes and offer players in even less than that! We even provide live selection feature, which let's you view the capabilities of player in the real time. Apart from these, we make it easier for the teams to choose players by showing sophisticated player profile with their scores (generated from our scoring algorithm). We hope that you find best matched player from us.




Despite you have a connection with the team and the player now, it is not working as business well. Why don't you draw out your new potential with this product? Since Loose Player can perform live and streaming distribution, it is possible to undertake the selection of the professional team in each region of the whole country. And since the participants' information is also organized before the selection, it can be operated accurately according to the time schedule on the day. Let's make new innovation happen in football?

Take advantage of your connections with team and players with organizing live and recorded selection sessions.




A : First, create a profile page to market yourself to the club. As you enter information along the items, there is a trick that you can see your own characteristics.
A : You can also register a professional player. Players who are active in a club that belongs to a professional league or those who have a professional contract can also be registered. We deliver information obtained from professional players, such as professional contract offers coming from overseas and professional specialty offers coming from domestic clubs. In addition, professional players basically keep the information private and the information never goes out. ※ The desired player can be made public.
A : You can prove the player's realistic play and ability by live selection. Teams and agents can view live selections, rate players and offer offers. Since the selection videos held around the world are broadcasted as live or recorded videos, it is possible to actually see the play of many players from domestic to overseas.
A : There is no registration fee or annual fee. It is available free of charge. Even if the contract is decided, you will not get any money.
A : You can market yourself to clubs around the world, and you will be able to receive offers from the football club where you viewed the information. Furthermore, it is easy to collect information such as the session schedule, and it is a very meaningful service for players who continue playing football.
A : There is an examination. After registration, the administrator will review the contents of the registration. We will emphasize the description of the self-PR and conduct the examination, and if the entry of the registered items is extremely few, the examination may not be passed.